Anxiety comes in many forms and most of us have been on the state of anxiety at one point of in our life. 

How we handle our stressful emotions vary for different individuals and that can result on feeling of losing control of our life for some people while others can manage the same emotional trigger situations in a different manner.

Both stress and anxiety are emotional responses that we go through. Anxiety is associate with excessive fear. 

American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) defines fear as the emotional response to real or perceived imminent threat whereas anxiety is anticipation of future threat. 

Anxiety tends to be persistent and excessive that does not go away even when the triggers or the stressor are not present at moment.


Types of anxiety disorder include the following as summarized from DSM-5

  • Generalized anxiety which is characterized by persistent uncontrolled worry or anxious occurring more often for at least 6 months.

  • Panic disorder anxiety triggered by phobia such as fear of height or fear of flying, swimming, spider etc.

  • Agoraphobia, fear of enclosed spaces, or public spaces. For example, fear of flying, using elevators, public transportation, going to shop, theater with the thought that the escape will be difficult, or help will not be readily available.

  • Social anxiety disorder, the fear of public or social places such as giving speech, meting unfamiliar people thinking you will be severely/unfairly judged etc.

  • Obsessive -compulsive disorder (OCD), characterized by obsessions-recurrent, uncontrollable fear and compulsions-repetitive behavior. For example, excessive hand washing for the fear of germs, Fear driving to avoid causing accident, fear of blood to avoid catching disease.

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop after a severe physical or emotional trauma such as a natural disaster, serious accident or illness, or crime such as rape, torture, abduction etc.

  • Separation anxiety disorder triggered by situation such as separation from care givers, family, parents or Pet.

  • Eating disorders triggered by fears and avoidance of food etc.


Symptoms associated with stress and anxiety disorders may include the following.

  • Irritability

  • Anger

  • Loss of appetite

  • Increase of appetite or eating for comfort and not hunger.

  • Fatigue 

  • Difficult sleeping/insomnia

  • Difficult concentrating

  • Muscle tension

  • Restlessness or feeling on edge


There are ways that can help alleviate mild Stress and Anxiety such as 

Exercise and relaxations, 

Good eating, better sleeping habits, and meditation can also help.

If your symptoms do not respond with some of the coping mechanism or they are persistent more frequently in most days for a period of six month and affecting your way of living, then it’s time to seek Mental Health Professional at Simply Bloom Therapy to help you sorting out your triggers and get to the root causes of the triggers that are causing your anxiety and stress. 

Anxiety disorder can be treated by psychotherapy by utilizing Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) methods, medications, or both at the same time.

Our therapists at Simply Bloom Therapy will work with you and provide you with coping tools that can help manage your stress and anxiety.

 Our therapists will examine your symptoms to figure out whether you have anxiety if so what type of Anxiety during the cause of your treatment.

Therapy commitment

We believe that finding good therapist that will understand you for who you are trust is very important. 

From the beginning of your healing journey with us, we will make sure all your questions are answered and you are comfortable enough to begin your healing journey psychotherapy.

We also believe that for any psychotherapy and counseling treatment plan to be effective, commitment to do the hard work on your part is important. Our therapists at Simply Bloom Therapy are committed to guide you through your healing journey by utilizing the most up to date researched resources and methodology available today.

We want you to understand that Psychotherapy has no guaranteed results, but our therapists are committed to work hard with you by using the best available resources making sure you have the best possible outcome from seeking therapy with Simply Bloom Therapy. 

BENEFITs OF THERAPY on managing your stress & anxiety.


  • Ability to develop clarity and great understanding on your life journey.

  • Understanding on how to deal with grief and loss and how to move forward with your life.

  • Develop and appreciate your personal value and self-awareness.

  • Learn on how to develop healthy boundaries to liberate you from guilt and shame to relive your burden and feel comfortable when making decisions for yourself.

  • Improvement and ability to overcome and recover from your depression, anxiety and stress symptoms.

  •  Learn how to manage the stressors and triggers in your life journey.

  • Personal growth in your relationship, career and more

  • Learn how to cope with chronic illness stress.

  • Learn on how to balance and find peace within YOU.

  • Learn on how to cope with triggers associated with divorce, breakups, life transition, career changes.

  • Learn self-care and discovering your identity.


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